Drunken Hedgehogs
Sadly, I think, my monster friends need to relax and chill out, lest our fragile world descends into chaos and cannibalism.
While they are trying to sort themselves out and restore peace and tranquility, why don’t you try a little light reading with this week’s effort – drunken hedghogs.
You could try writing your own piece about these little critters.
Drunken Hedgehogs
The man sat in his living room reading an article in the newspaper. It was all to do with slug control using methods other than slug pellets.
His garden was plagued with the things, always chowing down on his vegitables, and he didn’t like using slug pellets as they were a little too harmful to more pleasant wildlife.
The article suggested beer traps. These were, it seemed, easy to construct. You simply filled an old yogurt pot with beer and pushed it into the earth so the slugs could get to the contents.
He decided to give it a try. After all is said and done, two or three pots of beer wouldn’t use all the can and he would drink the remander.
His garden wasn’t large so he placed just two pots in the soil, fairly close to his vegetables.
The following morning he was rewarded with two pots full of drowned slugs. He was ove joyed. Well, quite pleased, shall we say; and he repeated the proceedure for the next few days.
Then, disaster. He checked the traps one morning and found no slugs and no beer. What could have happened?
The next two days were the same. Even though he had covered the pots with pieces of stone.
He decided to try once more. So that evening at nightfall he set four traps instead of just two. Half an hour later he crept quietly into the garden with a torch to see if anything was happening.
One by one he inspected the traps. the first one was empty. He shone the light on the lasty one and there was the culprit lapping the beer from the pot and grunting quietly.
The man smiled down at the spikey little beer thief. ‘Well, well’, he murmered. ‘A hedgehog. I suppose you thought you’d wash down the slug banquet with a drop of beer..’
He laughed as he watched the little animal finish off the last of the beer and begin rooting around the vegetables, a little unsteadily, in search of either slugs or more beer.
Posted: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 @ 8:39 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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