The old mans daughter was getting ready to celebrate her thirtieth birthday, which was to have a science fiction theme. Oh joy he thought. Naturally  his daughter wanted her mum to make a rather special dress so he asked his wife to make him an outfit too. 

He had, at first, wondered who or indeed what to become for the birthday celebrations. After a brief look in the mirror he instantly realised his bald head would be a deciding factor. After a little thought he could recall only one character who he considered suitable. Yes, the Centauri ambassador on the space station Babylon 5. Londo Mollari.

The Man had a few videos, which he studied, and showed to his wife to enable her to make a suitable for the ambassador. He already owned a pair of black trousers and his son gifted him a pair of tall black boots, which the young man had grown out of. The addition of a collarless white shirt and a wig would complete the outfit. The wig proved to be a bit of a trial, but his wife succeeded.

On the day of the party people began to appear at the four hundred year old houses. At least, those who had not arrived the previous night and camped in the grounds. as the hour of the party approached the friends of the son-in-laws aunt began arriving. The aunt was somewhat older than any other two guests, as were most of her friends who were partaking of sherry on arrival.

The mans daughter donned her new dress, to which she and her husband had added some interesting lights. The man completed his ensemble with the wig of hair standing high, framing his gleaming bald head. Then he left the mill, walked to the bakery, obtained a drink and sauntered up to the gazebo.

His daughter, in her light stripped dress, placed her hands on her hips and said, “thanks dad, its my birthday and you have a better outfit.” He apologized and sipped his drink contentedly.

Posted: Thursday, May 11th, 2017 @ 9:57 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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