The young boy was sitting on the back seat of his fathers Ford Anglia. It was a 1950 E93A or, as they became known, a sit up and beg popular. He had had a pretty good day out and this was just one day of his holiday. He was quite happy in the back of the car because, if he became bored, he could always get down on the floor, lift the carpet, pull out the ten centimetre disc from the plywood floor and watch the road rushing past. Sometimes he would drop small stones onto the road. There were often a few lying around in the back of the car.                                        

On this particular day his dad saw three young soldiers striding along the footpath, they were attempting to thumb a lift. Dad stopped and asked where they were going. They told him they were trying to get back to their barracks. He offered them a lift, if they could get in the back with the boy. They piled in and sat the lad on a lap. Apparently the lorry in which they had been travelling had suffered a terminal breakdown and they had been ordered to make their own way back to base.

Five minutes down the road they passed a tall soldier with a large pack on his back. He looked hot and sweaty. The three troopers yelled, waved and laughed.

They talked to the boy and his parents in loud and excited voices, in between issuing instructions on how to get to the army camp. When they arrived they clambered out and, as they were very grateful for the ride, they all emptied their pockets of the large and varied number of chocolate bars which they carried in case they were caught out somewhere with no food.
The boy had never had so much chocolate given to him in his life. He thanked the soldiers and waved at them as his father drove away.
So, unusually, on this bright summers day it appeared that even a white fluffy cloud had a chocolate lining.

Posted: Thursday, May 4th, 2017 @ 9:08 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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