Empty Salt Pots

Green, Green, Green, try to relax a little. Take a deep breath and continue your excellent reviews. Always listen to Blue’s sound advice and if you don’t agee, just do as I do and ignore it. But if you still believe you have problems, just read about the character in my meagre effort, “empty salt pots”, and you will realise that you have nothing to worry about.

You might want to do a little bit of writing on the subject of condiments yourself.

Empty Salt Pots

Have you ever picked up a salt pot and found that it contains nothing but salt flavoured air?

No! Then you are the lucky one, aren’t you? Becuase in my house, which has two or, more likely, three of these articles, I always seem to get the empty one.

I have also noticed that I seem to be the only person capable of refilling them. That’s two with ordinary table salt and one with the twisty top for the equally fancy sea salt.

I wouldn’t mind it quite as much if it wasn’t for the fact that if I go a resturant – which is only once every two years – I get the only empty salt cellar in the building – every time.

Sometimes we have a meal with other people. Oh, yes, we all sit around the table chatting and laughing. The splendid meal is is served hot and tasty-looking. The salt pot is passed from person to person and when it finally reaches me I find the guest who handed it to me, and doesn’t like too much salt on their dinner, has empties the last twenty-seven grains onto their food. There are times when I could just cry.

I bet if I had been a sailor in Nelsons Navy and had been flogged for complaining about the lack of salt on my weevils, I believe they would have run out of salt to rub into my wounds. I bet we would be moored in a river, too, just to be certain there was no salt in the water they threw on my back to rinse off the blood.

Posted: Wednesday, April 1st, 2009 @ 9:09 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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2 Responses to “Empty Salt Pots”

  1. Blue Monster » Blog Archive » The Winter Depths Says:

    […] me that I shouldn’t contact Green Monster again until she has sorted this out – and as for Yellow Monster – well I have never been so insulted in all my life – of course all my advice is sound and to even […]

  2. Red Monster » Blog Archive » The Little Damsel Fly Says:

    […] using the word, praying on old wives tales. Still, I spoke to him and he has agreed to let me and Yellow Monster come round for some tortilla chips, guacamole and […]

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